The characteristics of the terroir The vineyards of the Tenuta Regisole rise at about 130 meters above the sea level in an optimal position as they enjoy the gentle winds of the Oltrepò Pavese and a southern exposure. The vineyards of the company are composed partly of historic plants of around 40 years old and partly of new plants. The soil tends to be clay-rich, compact and rich in potassium; these characteristics allow to obtain structured, smooth, colorful wines with complex olfactory sensations. Oltrepò Pavese: history and dedication The combination of Oltrepò Pavese and wine has its roots in centuries and centuries of vine cultivation, an indissoluble couple that has proven to be able to give excellent wines, worthy symbols of Made in Italy in the world. With its approximately 14,000 hectares of vineyard land, Oltrepò Pavese is one of Italy’s largest wine-producing lands. The Oltrepò Pavese is a generous land, with infinite potentialities, a land capable of preserving its fruits with love and dedication as only the experience of centuries can do. These characteristics allow to get a production of excellent wines in which it is easy to perceive the flavours and nuances of the Pavia hills and to easily recognize the peculiarities of its grapes.

45° Parallel: the parallel of wine par excellence

The Tenuta Regisole is located at the 45th Parallel that crosses the Oltrepò area just near the place where the vinery is located. The 45th Parallel is better known as the “Parallel of wine” because it crosses different areas of the world suited to the cultivation of vines such as Piedmont, Bordeaux, Oregon and the Caucasian region.

WIne is one of the most civilized things in the world”
Ernest Hemingway